
Wednesday, July 19, 2017

We all struggle.

Life is not always easy. There are obstacles in every aspect of living. Whether its fitness or mental, mothering or wifing, challenges present themselves. With social media these days it is easy to only show the amazing things going on. We get to show our highlight reel of our everyday life. What we don't show are the struggles.

I may seem to have it all together, all the time- but I promise you that is SO far from the truth. I struggle to love myself sometimes, I am sure just like many women do. Its hard to remember that I am in the gym for progress and not perfection. I don't always eat the best or right things for my body or fitness goals. My marriage is not rainbows and cupcakes twenty-four-seven. There are times I am SURE my husband will pack up and leave. My kids call me mean mommy here and there, okay, daily.

You know what.

Its not how we struggle, its how we overcome.

You are what you think, ya know, just like eating. You HAVE to put positive thoughts in your head and KEEP them there. I for one know how hard this can be to do. I still am learning how to perfect this. We cant dwell on things that are going wrong, what we can do is look for the positives in every situation and a solution.

You have to make the choice to either MOVE in a better direction or stay stuck in negativity. You are going to have bad days, that is just human nature. How you choose to over come them though, thats a personal choice.

Its only Wednesday and this week for me has already been a doozy. I woke up this morning ready to throw in the towel.. with everything. My head was full to the brim of every negative thought a person could think. But, I had to make the choice. Was I going to sit around and feel sorry for myself over trivial things, or was I going to find a solution and make the best of the day?

I went with the latter. I hope you do too when you find yourself having a crappy day.

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