
Saturday, July 15, 2017

Small Biz Saturday Guest Post | Britt's Story

I was always super active growing up, played sports until I was a junior in high school, and never really had much of an issue with my weight growing up either. I never really watched what I ate or drank and have ZERO IDEA on how to really cook anything if it didn’t come from a box when I got married.  When my husband deployed, I went back to our hometown to work at a lifeguard in a brand new gym and found my passion for the gym environment even though I had no idea what the heck to do in a gym. I guess you could say this is where my passion for fitness was discovered, because when I was playing sports I didn’t workout and we didn’t have a local gym unless we drove 20 minutes away.
When my husband came home from his deployment I quickly found everything changing. My working out 2 times a day ended and our eating habits were still garbage.  But that ended up being the least of my worries when I realized my husband was having trouble reintegrating back to being home from a war zone. My main focus quickly changed to making sure he was getting the right care he needed and trying to move past the incidents of what had happened.  Self pitty, questioning what I could have done to possibly make integration easier for him.
A little over a year after everything happened we found out that we couldn’t have kids.  This didn’t help the self pitty, in fact I was even mad at the world and even God for a while. I couldn’t understand it, why everything crappy seemed to be happening to us.  I mean even then I knew things could have been A LOT worse, I was still questioning WHY US, I think we all do that when things we can’t control happen and they are devastating things.  Honestly, finding out we couldn’t have kids didn’t help my already low self-esteem either.  There is no how to guide when it comes to life and getting over the hurdles that get thrown our way.  So I was lost, angry, and not happy with myself in every way possible. Emotional eating became a thing for me, something I had never battled before and it wasn’t good considering I was going through a huge metabolism change too.

We got orders to move to Fort Bliss in 2012 and in the process of the move that was when I meet Kodie. Looking back, I kind of feel sorry for anyone who was just meeting me for the first time then, because no one really knew the demons I was battling on the inside.   But with that move to Texas not only myself but my husband got the motivation to lose the 100 lbs. we gained combined.  We literally woke up one morning and said we were sick and tired of feeling like crap, looking like crap, and our clothes continuously getting tighter. Slowly changing our eating habits and we both started to run and
yes we run for fun. Weight started coming off and at one point I was almost to my weight when we got married which now made me just look sick.  So I stopped caring so much about what I ate again to gain some weight back, it wasn’t the smartest decision I had made.  

Then I was introduced to Beachbody and the 21 Day Fix through a high school friend.  While I honestly only purchased the program to learn more on the nutritional side of things, I decided to do the entire program too in her online accountability group, because I really don’t feel comfortable in the gym.  I had just ran a marathon and gained some weight from it and wasn’t happy.  I didn’t know just then how much the purchase of 21 Day Fix would change my life. I quickly realized how easy nutritional truly is and how complicated we as a society have truly made it.  I was seeing changes in my body that I hadn’t seen in years because of the workouts and I was eating new things in my diet.  But on top of that mentally I was becoming stronger, moving on from the past, becoming happy in every aspect of my life again, learning to love myself truly again, and finding my passion for fitness again.  Then I became a coach with Beachbody because I realized how many women there are out there just like me.  Lost, unhappy with themselves, and no clue where the heck to start and because of that they never even try to start even with a small step.  I realized just how many don’t feel comfortable in a gym, how many truly don’t know that they can work out from home, or even know how easy the nutritional side of things can truly be.

If you are reading this, if you are that woman who is lost, unhappy, and no clue where to start, know you aren’t alone. Know that the small decision to get started is better than the decision to never start at all. You will have good days and bad days that is all part of the process. There will always be someone there that you can relate too cheering you on and rooting for you to succeed. Whether you choose to head to the gym and get a personal trainer, decide to workout at home like me, or get out and start walking you don’t have to do any of it alone that is greatest thing about social media these days!

*Disclaimer- You may recognize Britt from her blog years ago- Aviation of Love. Leave a comment telling her to come back to blog land! She may or may not be on the fence about it! *

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