
Sunday, July 16, 2017

Pits and Peaks

Another week is over, and here I am blogging away my time avoiding house work and laundry. Does anyone else HATE laundry as much as I do? I seriously avoid it at all cost.
The PITS of my week.

-Trying to decide a housing community we want to live in on post.

-The stress that comes with moving.

-Not being at the beach this weekend like we planned.
-We had to start buying 9mo clothing for our big boy. I'm not ready for him to be growing this fast!

The PEAKS of my week.

-We had a great BBQ at the pool with our friends and family.

-Colt is sleeping better this week.

-The girls have been in pretty good spirits and fun to be around.
-My younger sister and nephew came down for a weekend visit. It was fun to watch the kids play together.
-We are loving Big Brother this season!
There wasn't much that went on this week. We decided to move into housing on post since our lease is ending soon, we had a few appointments to go to, and other than that it was a very chill week. We took some time off the gym because I wasn't feeling well a lot of this week. Today starts the work out week over for us though, so leg day it is!

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