
Friday, July 7, 2017

How to annoy a Military Wife | HUSBAND EDITION

Men have a way of pushing buttons, am I right? Most of the time they don't realize they are even doing it. Being a military wife I feel brings out an entire other level of annoyances from our husbands. I am sure any wife can relate to this post, but just for fun- here is my list of ways to annoy a military spouse.

Come home and leave pieces of your uniform strung along the house.
I KNOW its not just my husband who uses the couch or bed as their personal uniform hanger. There is a PC or beret on the counter. Uniform top on the couch. Brown shirt and socks on the floor of the bedroom. Its like a laundry war-zone in my house when he comes home from work. Don't even get me started on tripping over his boots.

"Hey babe, there is a mandatory FRG meeting tonight".
We all know life in the Army is full of short notice events, but those mainly are for the SOLDIERS. Nothing better than getting a call that your husband is on the way home to pick you and the kids up for a FRG meeting you knew NOTHING about. Panic mode sets in to make yourself look somewhat presentable and quick baby wipe bathes for the babies.

Washing a pen in their uniform. (this one isn't always husband inflicted)
This one has happened to me more than I care to admit. Once you realize what has happened panic sets in. You rip through your washing machine, pray to the military Gods to have mercy and then check the damage done. If you are LUCKY it will be a small ink dot next to a darker camouflage pattern on the uniform. If your husband doesn't wear multi-cams your screwed.

Packing for anything. 
Maybe its just my husband, but when he packs to go ANYWHERE I have military gear strung from Hell to breakfast for days. I don't understand why and the entire time I live in OCD rage, begging him to please hurry up and finish!

Last minute prepared dishes. 
TWICE. This year my husband came home the night before a unit get together and let me know I needed to prepare a dish for the party the next day. TWICE! Mind you, I was pregnant and had two littles stuck to my hip when this happened. He is lucky I love him and that I love sweet potato casserole.

I know as a wife I have my own quirks that annoy him, like not understanding the difference between battalion staff duty and CQ. Or why we cant just pick up and go somewhere with out a mileage pass, but today is about us WIVES! What is your biggest military wife pet-peeve? Leave a quick comment letting me know!

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