A couple years ago when I tried to start lifting with D in the gym I completely stopped because I didn't look like the other girls I was in there with.
They were gorgeous, fit girls. Perfect hair and make up, cute outfits.. the works. I felt like a dumpy, post baby bod, mom bun, mess. Looking back now, I know my self worth is much more than what I am wearing and that I am in the gym to WORK out not win a beauty contest.
But we are women and we like to look cute. I mean, if you feel nice then you're probably going to work harder because your confidence is up, and you're not focusing on your appearance. At least that's how it works for me.
I swore this time getting back in the gym I WOULD not compare myself to others. Not my form. Not my clothes. Hair. NOTHING! When I find myself doing this I say to myself "girl, you are a mom of THREE! Get it babe!" Because I am. I am a mother. This messy bun is about as good as it gets these days, I don't have the time to beautify myself to sweat. Sorry, I just don't.
I do have a sweet spot for cute work out clothes. If my head is gonna look a mess, I'm gonna try to feel cute in my clothes! Haha.
I get ALL of my work out clothes from places like Ross, TJ Maxx and Marshalls. Because, three kids in diapers, hunti!
That adds up quick! I can't afford Under Armor, Nike and Yogalicious on a SAHM salary.
I'm sure every woman who is reading this has a favorite out of those three stores. (cough tj maxx/marshalls cough) I literally go to them for EVERY. THING. Their athletic clothing obviously being my favorite.
My point is, you can feel your best even if you don't have the flashiest clothes. You can work out just as hard and great as the next lady in your $12.99 yoga pants. Your clothing doesn't define who YOU are. You are a mom. You are strong. You are beautiful.
Thanks for reading!
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