
Saturday, July 8, 2017

Small Biz Saturday | Scentsy Lady

My husband is in the military, which means we move, A LOT! As a spouse it can be hard to have a career of my own and I found this out a few years ago upon our move to a new base. We were living in El Paso, Texas and the language barrier was REAL. It was impossible to find a job if you did not speak Spanish, we were struggling to pay bills and living check to check. We didn'
t have babies at this time and I desperately wanted to work. I sent resume after resume, even tried to go back to school in a different field. Nope, none of it worked and I was STILL unemployed. This was a hard pill to swallow for someone who just left a great job in another state.

A friend of mine started an in home business called Scentsy. I had no idea what it was and even though she had talked to me about it and joining her team I really had no desire to. A few months went by and I finally gave in, I NEEDED an income. I NEEDED to help my husband. To my surprise my business really took off, selling one thousand dollars worth of product in my first month! I built a team of nineteen wax slingers, promoted one step under Director and then quit.

Yep. You read that right. I gave up.

I had two babies, a husband in the military, a disease and no motivation to make the sales I needed to stay a consultant. So I stopped trying. I went inactive. Last year I decided to sign back up. I cant help but kick myself when I think about where I could be right now had I never thrown in the towel. If i never got inside my own head and told myself I couldn't do it anymore. YOU become your thoughts. They are so powerful. My sponsor just went on a PAID vacation to South Africa because of Scentsy. She quit her job as a nurse because she was able to from her monthly commissions. I strive to be there one day!

IF you have animals or garbage stank in the house, I have something to help. Gross gym bag? Check. Toddlers in the car? Got that too! Laundry piling up, you guessed it- I can help! IF you dream to be your own boss, and run your own business I can help you get there! I know how to sling wax, build teams, things you NEED to thrive. Home based businesses are great for military spouses because no matter where you live or move- your business goes with you. Stop looking for new jobs and start being the employer!

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