
Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Quick, Easy and Tasty Meal Prep

If you are like me, you need recipes that are fast, filling, easy and that taste good. I am a HUGE foodie, I love to eat GOOD food. So when making meal preps I knew I had to carry that over to the things I was preparing myself. Especially when I am eating it all week long. I am not the girl who can do chicken and rice and broccoli twenty-four-seven. If you are, more power to you, honey! But for me, I need variety, I need flavor, I need things that don't seem like I am restricting myself. Because I know myself and I will binge on every type of carb and sugar known to man if I do. I am not dieting, I am not counting macro's, I am not doing KETO.. none of that. I just am taking steps towards better eating habits and controlling my Crohn's. If you are using any of those I am sure you can take any of my recipes and make them work towards whichever specific diet you are doing. 

This week my menu is:
Breakfast- Boiled eggs, avocado and whole wheat english muffin. 
Lunch- Sausage, Asparagus and Sweet Potato
Dinner- Enchilada bowl. (this has shredded beef, brown rice, pinto beans, corn, bell peppers and red enchilada sauce. SO GOOD)

The recipe I am going to share with y'all today is the sausage and veggie's meal. 
When I tell you this recipe is SO easy that my THREE year old could make it, I am not kidding. 
I get mini sweet potatoes that come in a microwavable bag. I throw the bag in for eight minutes and while that was cooking I put the asparagus in the oven. I sprayed it with some light olive oil and seasoned with pink sea salt, cracked black pepper and onion powder (shh, don't tell my husband-he HATES onion). I cooked them for probably about 12 minutes? I wasn't really counting since they will get nuked in the microwave when ready to eat. Once the potatoes are done all thats left to do is assemble your meal. In my container I put one sausage, one or two potatoes depending on the size, and some asparagus. Done. 
Told you it was easy!
You can tweak it to accommodate you and your family, its a very versatile recipe. I have made it with colored fingerling potatoes, zucchini and spicy sausage before. Super good as well! Its also pretty easy to get my kids to eat this because they think its a hot dog, which I guess they are kinda right. But who cares what it is as long as they are eating! If you try this recipe out, let me know how you like it! Let me know how you manipulate it to fit your taste! I am always open to trying new things!! 

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