
Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Just a number | Why I stopped looking at the scale

As women we tend to focus our worth with the three numbers on a scale. We dread stepping on and face them looking back at us. Ive been there, you've been there, some of you may still be there. You probably think people are full of it when they tell you not to focus on what the scale says. Its HARD not to. I know, I have been down the same road. 

After I had my son in February I went to a local supplement store in town for some pre-work out and protein. They had a machine that basically breaks your entire body down. From water weight, muscle mass, fat content- even the weight of each limb! While I was a bit discouraged by my results I knew they wouldn't be great since 1. I wasn't in the gym (yet) and 2. I just had a baby about a month prior. What it did give me was some serious motivation. This test also gives you recommended weight loss to get your BMI in the right range for your height and age.

So, I hit the gym with my husband and began a meal plan. Nothing too strict, I eased myself into it. I began feeling better, and shortly after I was able to fit into a pair of jean shorts from last year before I got pregnant. Do you know what the scale said though- that I hadn't lost any weight. While I didnt let this discourage me because I could start to feel the difference, I know not all women are like me. 
If you begin lifting weights like I am, remember this KEY piece of advice.. MUSCLE WEIGHS MORE THAN FAT! So if the scale doesnt move thats OKAY! Get a body analysis done and track your progress that way. Home scales can be off by a pound or two.

When you start working out, do it because you love yourself. Not as punishment for what your body looks like. There are SO many things we would love to change about ourselves. A year ago, I was desperate to GAIN weight because of my Crohn's disease. Now I am just happy maintaining my health. Remember YOU are worth so much more than any number on a scale. There is no perfect weight or body. The perfect body is a healthy and happy one. 

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