
Monday, June 26, 2017

MOVE IT MAMA | My favorite playlist to work out to

I NEED music during my work outs, its a must. On any ole regular day I am a avid country music listener. I grew up on it, its basically in my blood- but sometimes you cant get pumped up listening to Carrie Underwood or classic 90's tunes (my fave!).

 Depending on what I am working out that day my genre of music changes.  I have a playlist on my phone that has a little bit of everything from Creed to Nicki Minaj, Miley Cyrus to Britney Spears. Super random but sometimes its just what I need.. 

I also use pandora because I can type things like "twerk" in and an entire station of rump shaking music will pop up to ensure I get through my squat routine. I mean, have you worked out and listened to Big Sean "A$$, its life changing haha! It also helps because I do alot of booty exercises on my leg day as well, so it makes it fun. I promise, the next time you are doing squats or anything booty related use this pandora station. Its also a great mind to muscle technique. 

I find when doing arms, back and chest that I enjoy listening to things like Five Finger Death Punch, Creed, and similar sounding bands. It helps push me through when I get worn out quickly on these days.

Country music is still and always will be my favorite genre to listen to even though I really enjoy tons of other types of artist. Now that I have two toddler girls I spend a lot of time singing "let it go" or "Moana", but hey- they love it so I guess Im doing okay! 

Quick tip for my fellow momma's out there. If you search on itunes or even pandora "Jammy Jams" or "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Rockstar" a ton of popular songs have been remade into lullaby's for little ones. Since we co-sleep this is something we listen to every night in bed. Its pretty awesome, give it a try! :)

Thanks for reading, and as always leave me a comment! I want to know what is your favorite type of music to work out to?

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