
Wednesday, September 20, 2017

The Whirlwind of a Military Marriage

I have been married to my husband for almost six years. SIX- and there has not been a dull moment since. Like a lot (maybe even most) military couples, we got married quickly. When I say quickly I mean, I have known my husband longer NOW than I did when the day we eloped.

We started dating and both knew instantly that this was it for us, we wanted to be together for the long haul. The life of the military though does not always give you the option to date for a while before marriage. Soldiers come down on orders quicker than you know, its a career that is hard to grow complacent in since it is ever changing. Duty stations change, deployments pop up, you catch my drift? While none of this was really happening around the time we got married, we both knew the life well enough to know that it COULD happen. Shortly after being married, it did. We moved to Texas and started life as a young couple. Its weird to think that if we didn't jump the gun and get married, where would we be today? Would we have dated long distance and let it fizzle out? Would we have three kids and a handful of memories? Maybe, maybe not.

Military marriages look like a fairy tale to most on the outside, and let me tell you they can be. All the homecomings, the balls, the handsome man in a dress uniform.. but a lot of people don't think of the craziness on the other side.

Soldiers are gone, A TON! You get married, probably move away from everyone you know and then your husband leaves too for training. You learn a new town, make new friends, basically start from scratch all while learning to be married, sometimes on your own. Anyone who tells you a marriage in the military is easy is lying. Sure it can be easy being married, but throw in every obstacle the Army can throw at you and it complicates things!

On top of them being gone, there is SO much to learn! Things like the difference between brigade and battalion, a battery and a company, do you want to join FRG or not, your husbands rank and what that means, how to wash uniforms. I almost get a headache thinking back to all the things I had to learn.

Then comes the 'beloved' DEERS photo.. if you are a spouse you know what I am talking about. Shortly after getting married you get your govt. ID card and spend an hour getting ready for the picture, only to get it back and see that NONE of your efforts are showing in that horrid photo. Jesus fix it.

You hear words like "dependa", "tag chaser" cringe and pray people aren't referring to you as one. Meeting new friends feels like your back in high school, only worse this time you are the new girl in town. You miss being home with YOUR friends, YOUR family, YOUR routine.

The great news is- things get easier as you go. You get used to him leaving now and then, and you find a grove you follow in those moments. Well, at least until you have babies and then you beg him not to leave you alone for weeks with the crazies! Or is that just me? Almost six years later and I am still learning things about being a wife, let alone a military wife!

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