
Thursday, June 29, 2017

Confessions of a Stay at Home Mom

When I became pregnant with my oldest daughter, Kyler, I didn't expect another baby for a very, very long time. I had her in the middle of a year long deployment so my husband missed my entire pregnancy starting at 15 weeks and came home when she was about six months old. 

We have what we call "the nine month curse" even though it's really a blessing. When Kyler was nine months old I became pregnant with Charlee. When Charlee was nine months old, you guessed it- along came Colt! 

I was thrown into the whirlwind of three under three while my husband was once again deployed. It was the hardest adjustment for me because I had a little post-partum depression. I would cry because I missed my husband and that he was missing out on so much again. I would get over whelmed with my daughters. Even though Colt was a super easy baby, I had a very hard time adjusting to a mom of three. Something I never vocalized until just now. 

Now a days my days are filled of crazy, hectic commotion and I. LOVE. IT. Most days I play referee between my girls. Kyler likes to tattle and Charlee likes to hit. See my problem? 

Recently I am potty training Kyler who REFUSES to poop on the toilet. (If you have advice on this please leave a comment, because I've tried EVERYTHING). Teaching the girls how to do chores because I'm a bit OCD. Okay, a lot OCD. Working with Colt on his physical therapy home work. He has a flat spot on his head we are rounding out. All the while keeping the house work and laundry done. Being a SAHM is exhausting, man. 

Some days I dream of going back to work. I think about how nice it will be when they start school and I can use the bathroom alone. And then I remember, I can't even work out for an hour with out peeking in the window at kids care! Who am I kidding! 

To be honest,  I am not even sure what my identity is outside of being a mother to these babies. The crazy part, I am totally okay with that. 

I do have a few wishes to the SAHM gods though. 
  • laundry that does itself. Like all of the steps. I want the whole sha-bang. 
  • Pacifiers that can never be lost. 
  • Toddlers that can't tattle tale. 
  • New episodes of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. For the love of all things, this is a NEED! 
  • A toddler who can always articulate what snack they want, or what movie they want to watch. Without crying for bonus point. 
  • Potty trained automatically at one. That one would be awesome. 

You know just a few simple request! 

But seriously. If you are living this stay at home mom life with me, remember YOU are just as important as your partner. I had a hard time (and still do) remembering that what I do at home is VERY much so a job. Just because it's not a regular nine to five does not take away the importance of what I am doing. Shout out to the awesome hubby's like mine who help remind women like me! 

We are blessed to have this opportunity. I'm sure there are many, many mothers who wished they were on our side of the fence. Embrace it momma, because while it's not always easy- it's worth it! 

Thanks for reading! 

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