
Thursday, August 24, 2017

Toddler Tales | My three year old and her SLIME obsession 

I know I can't be the only mother facing this! Slime has taken over my three year olds life. If she is not begging to make this random concoction, she is crying to watch ample hours of slime videos on YouTube.

This all began because our niece showed her a few of these videos that she enjoys watching. I know, I know- there are so many other things I could be battling right now- Lego Tetris on my floor, gum in baby dolls hair, crayon on the walls.. but until you have lived this toddler slime obsession life YOU. HAVE. NO. IDEA.

At first I was like, okay this isn't so bad. She will watch a few videos, we will make a batch together, we will play with it as a family, throw it away and clean up. HA! Never that easy. #Nope.

Her dad went away for a week for work so i figured it would be the perfect time to try this out to keep her occupied. Who knew there was such a delicate process to making this stuff. Use too much borax and you get a rubber ball. Use clear glue and it turns into a hockey puck. Too much saline solution and baking soda the stuff literally oozes fluid. All the while my child is crying because it's not like Gillian's. Sorry kid, this was not in the parenting job description when I signed on! Btw- gillian is a Australian girl who has a slime channel on YouTube. Sad that at 28yo I know this info. Although I'm betting that if you are reading this you may know her too from your own personal struggle with this craft from hell.  

We literally can not go to a store with out my child verbally listing off the ingredients it takes to make slime. She is three, she JUST learned to wipe her but on her own but she can remember a list of household ingredients?! I don't get it.

So, how are we surviving these days? After too many failed attempts to make decent slime and a few patches of my carpet having permanent gunk in them, I have boycotted the making of slime in the Simon home. We are done. It doesn't matter if you follow the recipe to a T it never ends up quite right. At this point I'm better off paying one of the kids on Instagram to make it for her!

If I never see Elmers glue, borax and contact solution again it would still be too soon. From one momma to another, stay strong in these slime infested streets y'all!

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